

Goravel provides a fluent string manipulation library that allows you to easily manipulate strings. Fluent Strings allows you to combine multiple string operations through method chaining, where most of the methods returns an instance of support/str.String, letting you chain additional methods. To get the final string value after applying the chained operations, you can call the String method, which returns the underlying string value.

import ""

str.Of("  Goravel  ").Trim().Lower().UpperFirst().String() // "Goravel"

Available Methods


The Of method creates a new fluent string instance from a given string.

import ""



The After method returns the portion of a string that appears after a specified value. If the value is an empty string or does not exist within the original string, the full string is returned.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World!").After("Hello").String() // " World!"


The AfterLast method returns the portion of a string that appears after the last occurrence of a specified value. If the value is an empty string or does not exist within the original string, the full string is returned.

import ""

str.Of("").AfterLast(".").String() // "dev"


The Append method appends the specified value to the end of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Bowen").Append(" Han").String() // "Bowen Han"


The Basename method returns the trailing name component of a path, optionally removing a specified suffix from the base name.

import ""

str.Of("framework/support/str").Basename().String() // "str"

str.Of("framework/support/str.go").Basename(".go").String() // "str"


The Before method returns the portion of a string that appears before a specified value. If the value is an empty string or does not exist within the original string, the full string is returned.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World!").Before("World").String() // "Hello "


The BeforeLast method returns the portion of a string that appears before the last occurrence of a specified value. If the value is an empty string or does not exist within the original string, the full string is returned.

import ""

str.Of("").BeforeLast(".").String() // "docs.goravel"


The Between method returns the portion of a string between two given values.

import ""

str.Of("[Hello] World!").Between("[", "]").String() // "Hello"


The BetweenFirst method returns the portion of a string between the first occurrence of two given values.

import ""

str.Of("[Hello] [World]!").BetweenFirst("[", "]").String() // "Hello"


The Camel method converts the string to camelCase.

import ""

str.Of("hello_world").Camel().String() // "helloWorld"


The CharAt method returns the character at the given index. If the index is out of bounds, an empty string will be returned.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").CharAt(1) // "o"


The Contains method determines if the given string contains the given value. The method is case-sensitive. If multiple values are provided, it will return true if the string contains any of the values.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Contains("Gor") // true

str.Of("Hello World").Contains("Gor", "Hello") // true


The ContainsAll method determines if the given string contains all of the given values. The method is case-sensitive.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").ContainsAll("Hello", "World") // true

str.Of("Hello World").ContainsAll("Hello", "Gor") // false


The Dirname method returns the parent portion of a path.

import ""

str.Of("framework/support/str").Dirname().String() // "framework/support"

Optionally, you may provide the directory level to trim from the path.

import ""

str.Of("framework/support/str").Dirname(2).String() // "framework"


The EndsWith method determines if the given string ends with the given value. The method is case-sensitive.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").EndsWith("vel") // true

You may pass multiple values to the method to determine if the string ends with any of the values.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").EndsWith("vel", "lie") // true


The Exactly method determines if the given string is exactly equal to the given value. The method is case-sensitive.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Exactly("Goravel") // true


The Except method extracts an excerpt from the string that matches the first occurrence of the given value.

import ""

str.Of("This is a beautiful morning").
	Excerpt("beautiful", str.ExcerptOption{
        Radius: 5,
    }).String() // " a beautiful morn...

Additionally, you may use Omission option to change the string that is used to indicate the excerpt.

import ""

str.Of("This is a beautiful morning").
    Excerpt("beautiful", str.ExcerptOption{
        Radius: 5,
        Omission: "(...)"
    }).String() // "(...)is a beautiful morn(...)"


The Explode method splits the string into an array of strings using the given delimiter.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").Explode(" ") // []string{"Hello", "World"}


The Finish method ensures that the given string ends with the given value. If the string already ends with the value, it will not be added again.

import ""

str.Of("framework").Finish("/").String() // "framework/"

str.Of("framework/").Finish("/").String() // "framework/"


The Headline method converts the string to a headline.

import ""

str.Of("bowen_han").Headline().String() // "Bowen Han"

str.Of("HelloWorld").Headline().String() // "Hello World"


The Is method determines if the given string matches the given pattern. The method is case-sensitive.

import ""

str.Of("foo123").Is("bar*", "baz*", "foo*") // true


The IsEmpty method determines if the given string is empty.

import ""

str.Of("").IsEmpty() // true


The IsNotEmpty method determines if the given string is not empty.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").IsNotEmpty() // true


The IsAscii method determines if the given string contains only ASCII characters.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").IsAscii() // true

str.Of("你好").IsAscii() // false


The IsSlice method determines if the given string is a slice.

import ""

str.Of(`[{"name": "John"}, {"name": "Alice"}]`).IsSlice() // true

str.Of(`{"name": "John"}`).IsSlice() // false


The IsMap method determines if the given string is a map.

import ""

str.Of(`{"name": "John"}`).IsMap() // true

str.Of(`[{"name": "John"}, {"name": "Alice"}]`).IsMap() // false


The IsUlid method determines if the given string is a ULID.

import ""

str.Of("01E5Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6").IsUlid() // true

str.Of("krishan").IsUlid() // false


The IsUuid method determines if the given string is a UUID.

import ""

str.Of("550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000").IsUuid() // true

str.Of("krishan").IsUuid() // false


The Kebab method converts the string to kebab-case.

import ""

str.Of("GoravelFramework").Kebab().String() // "goravel-framework"


The LcFirst method converts the first character of the string to lowercase.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel Framework").LcFirst().String() // "goravel Framework"


The Length method returns the length of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Length() // 7


The Limit method truncates the string to the given length.

import ""

str.Of("This is a beautiful morning").Limit(7).String() // "This is..."

Optionally, you may provide the second argument to change the string that is used to indicate the truncation.

import ""

str.Of("This is a beautiful morning").Limit(7, " (****)").String() // "This is (****)"


The Lower method converts the string to lowercase.

import ""

str.Of("GORAVEL").Lower().String() // "goravel"


The LTrim method trims the left side of the string.

import ""

str.Of("  Goravel  ").LTrim().String() // "Goravel  "

str.Of("/framework/").LTrim("/").String() // "framework/"


The Mask method masks the string with the given mask character.

import ""

str.Of("").Mask("*", 3).String() // "kri**************"

If needed, you may provide negative number to mask method which instruct the method to begin masking from the end of the string.

import ""

str.Of("").Mask("*", -13, 3).String() // "kris***"

str.Of("").Mask("*", -13).String() // "kris**************"


The Match method determines if the given string matches the given regular expression.

import ""

str.Of("This is a (test) string").Match(`\([^)]+\)`).String() // (test)


The MatchAll method determines if the given string matches all of the given regular expressions.

import ""

str.Of("abc123def456def").MatchAll(`\d+`) // []string{"123", "456"}


The IsMatch method determines if the given string matches (any of) the given regular expression.

import ""

str.Of("Hello, Goravel!").IsMatch(`(?i)goravel`, `goravel!(.*)`) // true


The NewLine method appends a newline character to the string.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").NewLine(2).Append("Framework").String() // "Goravel\n\nFramework"


The PadBoth method pads both sides of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello").PadBoth(10, "_").String() // "__Hello___"


The PadLeft method pads the left side of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello").PadLeft(10, "_").String() // "_____Hello"


The PadRight method pads the right side of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello").PadRight(10, "_").String() // "Hello_____"


The Pipe method allows you to transform the string using a given closure.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Pipe(func(s string) string {
    return s + " Framework"
}).String() // "Goravel Framework"


The Prepend method prepends the given value to the string.

import ""

str.Of("Framework").Prepend("Goravel ").String() // "Goravel Framework"


The Remove method removes the given value(s) from the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").Remove("World").String() // "Hello "

str.Of("Hello World").Remove("World", "Hello").String() // " "


The Repeat method repeats the string a given number of times.

import ""

str.Of("a").Repeat(2).String() // "aa"


The Replace method replaces the given value in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").Replace("World", "Krishan").String() // "Hello Krishan"

By default, the Replace method is case-sensitive. If you would like the method to be case-insensitive, you may pass false as the third argument.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").Replace("world", "Krishan", false).String() // "Hello Krishan"


The ReplaceEnd method replaces the last occurrence of the given value in the string only if it is at the end of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceEnd("World", "Goravel").String() // "Hello Goravel"

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceEnd("Hello", "Goravel").String() // "Hello World"


The ReplaceFirst method replaces the first occurrence of the given value in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceFirst("World", "Goravel").String() // "Hello Goravel"


The ReplaceLast method replaces the last occurrence of the given value in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceLast("World", "Goravel").String() // "Hello Goravel"


The ReplaceMatches method replaces the given regular expression matches in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello, Goravel!").ReplaceMatches(`goravel!(.*)`, "Krishan") // "Hello, Krishan!"


The ReplaceStart method replaces the first occurrence of the given value in the string only if it is at the start of the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceStart("Hello", "Goravel").String() // "Goravel World"

str.Of("Hello World").ReplaceStart("World", "Goravel").String() // "Hello World"


The RTrim method trims the right side of the string.

import ""

str.Of("  Goravel  ").RTrim().String() // "  Goravel"

str.Of("/framework/").RTrim("/").String() // "/framework"


The Snake method converts the string to snake_case.

import ""

str.Of("GoravelFramework").Snake().String() // "goravel_framework"


The Split method splits the string into an array of strings using the given delimiter.

import ""

str.Of("Hello World").Split(" ") // []string{"Hello", "World"}


The Squish method replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.

import ""

str.Of("Hello    World").Squish().String() // "Hello World"


The Start method adds a single instance of the given value to the beginning of the string if it does not already start with the value.

import ""

str.Of("framework").Start("/").String() // "/framework"

str.Of("/framework").Start("/").String() // "/framework"


The StartsWith method determines if the given string starts with (any) given value(s). The method is case-sensitive.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").StartsWith("Gor") // true

str.Of("Hello World").StartsWith("Gor", "Hello") // true


The String method returns the string.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").String() // "Goravel"


The Studly method converts the string to StudlyCase.

import ""

str.Of("goravel_framework").Studly().String() // "GoravelFramework"


The Substr method returns the portion of the string starting at the given index and continuing for the given length.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Substr(1, 3) // "ora"


The Swap method swaps multiple values in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Golang is awesome").Swap(map[string]string{
		"Golang":  "Go",
		"awesome": "excellent",
	}).String() // "Go is excellent"


The Tap method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Tap(func(s string) {
}).String() // "Goravel"


The Test method determines if the given string matches the given regular expression.

import ""

str.Of("Hello, Goravel!").Test(`goravel!(.*)`) // true


The Title method converts the string to Title Case.

import ""

str.Of("goravel framework").Title().String() // "Goravel Framework"


The Trim method trims the string.

import ""

str.Of("  Goravel  ").Trim().String() // "Goravel"

str.Of("/framework/").Trim("/").String() // "framework"


The UcFirst method converts the first character of the string to uppercase.

import ""

str.Of("goravel framework").UcFirst().String() // "Goravel framework"


The UcSplit method splits the string into an array of strings using uppercase characters.

import ""

str.Of("GoravelFramework").UcSplit() // []string{"Goravel", "Framework"}


The Unless method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given condition is false.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").Unless(func(s *String) bool {
        return false
    }, func(s *String) *String {
        return Of("Fallback Applied")
    }).String() // "Fallback Applied"


The Upper method converts the string to uppercase.

import ""

str.Of("goravel").Upper().String() // "GORAVEL"


The When method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given condition is true.

import ""

str.Of("Bowen").When(true, func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Han")
}).String() // "Bowen Han"

If necessary, you may provide the third argument to the When method which is a closure that will be executed when the condition is false.


The WhenContains method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string contains the given value.

import ""

str.Of("Hello Bowen").WhenContains("Hello", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Han")
}).String() // "Hello Bowen Han"

If necessary, you may provide the third argument to the WhenContains method which is a closure that will be executed when the string does not contain the given value.


The WhenContainsAll method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string contains all of the given values.

import ""

str.Of("Hello Bowen").WhenContainsAll([]string{"Hello", "Bowen"}, func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Han")
}).String() // "Hello Bowen Han"

If necessary, you may provide the third argument to the WhenContainsAll method which is a closure that will be executed when the string does not contain all the given values.


The WhenEmpty method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is empty.

import ""

str.Of("").WhenEmpty(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append("Goravel")
}).String() // "Goravel"


The WhenIsAscii method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string contains only ASCII characters.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").WhenIsAscii(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Framework")
}).String() // "Goravel Framework"

str.Of("你好").WhenIsAscii(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Framework")
}).String() // "你好"


The WhenNotEmpty method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is not empty.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").WhenNotEmpty(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Framework")
}).String() // "Goravel Framework"


The WhenStartsWith method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string starts with the given value.

import ""

str.Of("hello world").WhenStartsWith("hello", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Title()
}).String() // "Hello World"


The WhenEndsWith method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string ends with the given value.

import ""

str.Of("hello world").WhenEndsWith("world", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Title()
}).String() // "Hello World"


The WhenExactly method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is exactly equal to the given value.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").WhenExactly("Goravel", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Framework")
}).String() // "Goravel Framework"


The WhenNotExactly method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is not exactly equal to the given value.

import ""

str.Of("Goravel").WhenNotExactly("Goravel", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" Framework")
}).String() // "Goravel"


The WhenIs method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string matches the given pattern.

import ""

str.Of("foo/bar").WhenIs("foo/*", func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append("/baz")
}).String() // "foo/bar/baz"


The WhenIsUlid method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is a ULID.

import ""

str.Of("01E5Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6Z1Z6").WhenIsUlid(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Substr(0, 10)
}).String() // "01E5Z6Z1Z6"


The WhenIsUuid method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string is a UUID.

import ""

str.Of("550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000").WhenIsUuid(func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Substr(0, 8)
}).String() // "550e8400"


The WhenTest method passes the string to the given closure and returns the string if the given string matches the given regular expression.

import ""

str.Of("goravel framework").WhenTest(`goravel(.*)`, func(s *str.String) *str.String {
    return s.Append(" is awesome")
}).String() // "goravel framework is awesome"


The WordCount method returns the number of words in the string.

import ""

str.Of("Hello, World!").WordCount() // 2


The Words method limits the number of words in the string. If necessary, you may provide the second argument to change the string that is used to indicate the truncation.

import ""

str.Of("Hello, World!").Words(1) // "Hello..."

str.Of("Hello, World!").Words(1, " (****)") // "Hello (****)"