Directory Structure


The default file structure can make you better start project advancement, and you can also add new folders freely, but do not modify the default folders.

Root Directory

app Directory

app contains the core code of the program. Almost all the logic in the program will be in this folder.

bootstrap Directory

The bootstrap directory contains the framework startup file app.go.

config Directory

The config directory contains all configuration files of the application. It is best to browse through these files and familiarize yourself with all the available options.

database Directory

The database directory contains database migration files.

public Directory

The public directory contains some static resources, such as images, certificates, etc.

resources Directory

The resources directory contains your views as well as your raw, un-compiled assets such as CSS or JavaScript.

routes Directory

The routes directory contains all the route definitions of the application.

storage Directory

The storage directory contains the logs directory, and the logs directory contains the application log files.

tests Directory

The tests directory contains your automated tests.

app Directory

console Directory

The console directory contains all the custom Artisan commands of the application, and the console boot file kernel.go, which can be registered in this file Task Scheduling

http Directory

The http directory contains controllers, middleware, etc., and almost all requests that enter the application via the Web are processed here.

grpc Directory

The grpc directory contains controllers, middleware, etc., and almost all requests that enter the application via the Grpc are processed here.

models Directory

The models directory contains all data models.

providers Directory

The providers directory contains all Service Providers in the program. The service provider guides the application to respond to incoming requests by binding services, registering for events, or performing any other tasks.